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The real Vietnamese food

The real Vietnamese food

The real Vietnamese food


Food should be controlled and prepared fresh at the time of delivering each order to our customers. If our customers hold their appreciation to its’ upmost integrity, then it would be the best food of all. Follow and support Eating Fresh if this is what you believe in. “Chef Ricky at Eating Fresh”

Devour Indy Winterfest 2025 is finally here, Please come and join us for this wonderful journey with the whole City of Indy.   Please don’t forget to come and check us out for one the best 10 to 16 courses Dim Sum Experience, You will not find anywhere else in Indy for this experience, Please book your reservation very soon to keep your spot, it is booking up extremely fast.

Plenty of free parking and pay parking is located behind the building off of Carrolton, or there is the garage above hopcat you could use. Both are only a few dollars.

Please see the Map below for our free parking and carryout parking, The 23 Free 2 hour limit B-shop parking is for our building and the 3:C/O is for our and the Avenue Coffeehouse carry-out parkings, the rest are pay to park for $2 an hour.



6255 N. College Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220


(317) 746 6989



Feel good about supporting a local business that makes a significant impact to the world that you live in!!





How can I provide feedback?

We always want to hear about our guests’ experiences, whether it’s a compliment, a suggestion, or feedback about something we could have done better. Please send us your thoughts by clicking the link below.

Contact us

What are the eating fresh hours of operation?

Our Breakfast & Lunch hours are
Monday to Sunday from: 7:30-3pm, closed from 3-5pm everyday.

Our Dinner hours are
Sunday-Thursday from 5-9pm
Friday – Saturday from 5-11pm

Are reservations required?

We strongly recommend that our guests reserve a table so there is no disappointment upon arrival at having to wait. You can reserve a table by clicking HERE But reservations are not required. We will be delighted to accommodate you if we are able.

How do I make a reservation?
You can make a reservation on The EATING FRESH’s website at www.eatingfresh.co or by contacting the restaurant directly at 317-746-6901 or click on the below.

Click Here to make a Reservation

How do I change or cancel an existing reservation?

If you reserved a table on The EATING FRESH’s website, you can edit or cancel your reservation online by visiting the Change Reservation page. For your privacy, we will send your reservation details to the email provided, you will then have the opportunity to change or cancel your reservation. If you made your reservation through OpenTable or by contacting the restaurant directly, please call the restaurant to modify your reservation.